« Madagascar is renowned as a remarkable biological marvel, standing out uniquely when compared to the rest of the world in terms of fauna and flora. Scientists have aptly labeled it the Eighth continent, given its status as one of the world’s foremost biodiversity hotspots. This distinction arises from the exceptionally high level of endemism in…
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Ethnic Group
As you travel through the central highlands and other regions of Madagascar, you’ll notice the distinct differences among the people. These differences are evident not only in their appearance—such as skin color, hairstyles, and clothing—but also in their daily lives, which are shaped by their customs. Each tribe has developed its own way of life…
Malagasy religions
Madagascar is a meeting place of cultures, blending traditional beliefs with religions introduced by Europeans and Arabs. Dyna Madagascar Ancestral belief On the Red Island, the population is monotheistic. This means that Malagasy people recognize only one transcendent being, like God. He is called Andriananahary, or Andriamanitra (the scented prince). However, Malagasy believe that this…
Music and Traditional dance
From North to the South, Mozika Gasy and Malagasy traditional dance are known as being at the same time symbol of joy of living and an effective way of to express message about life down here to people. Malagasy music has numerous varieties: Tsapiky (South) Beko (South) Batrelaky (South East) Kilalaky (South) Zafindraony (South Center:…
In terms of tradition, Because of the Malagasy spiritual belief based on the respect of the “Razana”, which literally means ancestors, who even dead has certain influence over all aspect of life of the living from beyond. Malagasy, in fear to not receive blessing from ancestors according to whatever they entertain, accomplish rituals to honor…
Malagasy culture
« When most people think about Madagascar, they think about Baobabs, Lemurs and beautiful beaches. But those are not the only aspect that made Madagascar unique. Indeed, the other aspect that made Madagascar unique resides in the culture of its people. Now Madagascar count 18 different tribes who live in harmony on big Island, this harmony…
North’s wonder: 10 days trip through the north of Madagascar
The Northern region of Madagascar meticulously preserves the exquisite beauty of its diverse nature and rich cultures, highlighting the extraordinary fauna, flora, and varied landscapes. This unique blend of two distinct regions opens up a novel tourist destination, inviting exploration of cacao plantations, the Ankarana Special Reserve, and Amber Mountain National Park. Throughout your trip…
21 DAYS TOUR: Baobab and Lemurs discovery
Through the south-west of Madagascar to the middle-east, travel with us and discover the treasures of the big Island. A trip to Madagascar offers a unique experience with the discovery of baobabs and lemurs, showcasing the immensity of the island’s biodiversity and its profound and complex connection to Malagasy culture. Day 1 : Tana-in Pick you…
Rainforest Tours
During the east tour you will see a lot of nature, rain forest, and endemic species such as lemurs and reptiles. The tour starts from Antananarivo to Andasibe, the rainforest. Destination: East Duration: 6 days Day 1: Antananarivo Arrival at Ivato airport. After all formalities, local currency changes. Transfer directly to your hotel Day 2:…